⭐️ StarSeller

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You can find our models available on Etsy, a trusted online marketplace where you can purchase them.

Additionally, you can discover the latest feedback and store ratings there.

Our Story

My name's Max, and I'm the creative mind behind LaserSvgTemplates. Woodworking isn't just a job for me; it's my passion. I feel incredibly fortunate to have found a hobby that makes me happy. I pour all my love and soul into each item I create, and I hope you can feel that when you receive your orders. Your reviews and messages are my motivation to keep moving forward.

Every item in my shop is crafted specifically for you, tailored to your preferences and wishes, and I do it with immense love. Here, you'll discover a wide range of high-quality wooden gifts suitable for various occasions. I trust you'll enjoy your shopping experience with me and feel the love I infuse into each item

Nice lamp... I had finished making it and in the status... bang... sold :-)
— Jenny
Very nice design. I made the project with my cricut!
— Sophie Jutras
Impeccable, everything works well, I recommend
— Anthony
The file worked great and it looked awesome !
— John
Very satisfied. Didnt need corection or whatever
— Bobi

Our Patreon

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